周洲 副教授 (博士生导师) 
E-mail: zhou_zhou610@163.com
2005-2009 中山大学药学院,获理学学士学位
2009-2015 四川大学华西药学院,获药剂学博士学位
2015- 四川大学华西药学院药剂系任讲师、副教授
2018-2019 美国犹他大学药学院访问学者
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82373819,2024至2027,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,81603042,2017至2019,主持。
3. 四川省科技厅,重点研发项目,2018SZ0032,2018至2019,主持。
4. 四川大学青年教师启动基金,2016SCU11008,2016至2017,主持。
1. Jing Tao, Yuan Yao, Minyi Huang, Jiahui Wu, Jiayan Lyu, Qiuyi Li, Lian Li, Yuan Huang, Zhou Zhou*. A nano-platform combats the “attack” and “defense” of cytoskeleton to block cascading tumor metastasis. Journal of Controlled Release, 2024, 367: 572-586.
2. Jiayan Lyu, Huizhi Liu, Liqiang Chen, Chendong Liu, Jing Tao, Yuan Yao, Lian Li, Yuan Huang, Zhou Zhou*. In situ hydrogel enhances non-efferocytic phagocytosis for post-surgical tumor treatment. Journal of Controlled Release, 2023, 363, 402-414.
3. Yuan Yao, Jing Tao, Jiayan Lyu, Cheng Chen, Yuan Huang, and Zhou Zhou*. Enhance Mitochondrial Damage by Nuclear Export Inhibition to Suppress Tumor Growth and Metastasis with Increased Antitumor Properties of Macrophages. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 20774−20787.
4. Chaohui Luo, Minglu Zhou, Cheng Chen, Shujie Li, Qiuyi Li, Yuan Huang, Zhou Zhou*. A liposome-based combination strategy using doxorubicin and a PI3K inhibitor efficiently inhibits pre-metastatic initiation by acting on both tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages. Nanoscale, 2022, 14(12): 4573-4587.
5. Jiatao Yang, Qiuyi Li, Rui Zhou, Minglu Zhou, Xi Lin, Yucheng Xiang, Dandan Xie, Yuan Huang and Zhou Zhou*. Combination of mitochondria targeting doxorubicin with Bcl-2 function-converting peptide NuBCP-9 for synergistic breast cancer metastasis inhibition. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9(5): 1336-1350.
6. Jiatao Yang, Qiuyi Li, Minglu Zhou, Xiang Li, Yuan Huang, Nan Yang*, Zhou Zhou*. Concurrent impairment of nucleus and mitochondria for synergistic inhibition of cancer metastasis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2021, 608: 121077.
7. Xiang Li#, Zhou Zhou#, Rui Zhou, Jiatao Yang, Minglu Zhou, Qiuyi Li, Lian Li, Yuan Huang*. Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles Combining Photodynamic Therapy and Mitochondria Disruption Suppressed Tumor Metastasis. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021: 2002200.
8. Qiuyi Li, Jiatao Yang, Cheng Chen, Xi Lin, Minglu Zhou, Zhou Zhou*, Yuan Huang*. A novel mitochondrial targeted hybrid peptide modified HPMA copolymers for breast cancer metastasis suppression. Journal of Controlled Release, 2020, 325: 38-51.
9. Yuanyuan Liu#, Zhou Zhou#, Xi Lin, Xiaofeng Xiong, Rui Zhou, Minglu Zhou, Yuan Huang*. Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by MitochondriaTargeting of Anticancer Drug To Overcome Tumor Multidrug Resistance. Biomacromolecules, 2019, 20(10): 3755-3766.
10. Yanxi Liu, Qiuyi Li, Xiaofeng Xiong, Zhou Zhou*. Improved mitochondrial targeting effect of HPMA copolymer by SS20 peptide mediation and nonendocytosis pathway. Journal of Peptide Science, 2019, 25(2): e3144.
11. Yanxi Liu, Qiuyi Li, Xiaofeng Xiong, Yuan Huang and Zhou Zhou*. Mitochondria targeting and cell-penetrating peptides-co-modified HPMA copolymers for enhancing therapeutic efficacy of α-tocopheryl succinate. Journal of Materials, Chemistry B, 2018, 6(46): 7674-7683.
12. Yanxi Liu, Qiuyi Li, Xiaofeng Xiong, Yuan Huang and Zhou Zhou*. Enhanced cellular uptake by non-endocytic pathway for tumor therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6(45): 7411-7419.
13. Fengling Wang, Lian Li, Wei Sun, Lijia Li, Yuanyuan Liu, Yuan Huang, Zhou Zhou*. A novel alpha(V) beta(3) ligand-modified HPMA copolymers for anticancer drug delivery. Journal of Drug Targeting, 2018, 26(3): 231-241.
14. Zhou Zhou, YanXi Liu, Lei Wu, Lian Li and Yuan Huang*. Enhanced nuclear delivery of anti-cancer drugs using micelles containing releasable membrane fusion peptide and nuclear-targeting retinoic acid. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5(34): 7175-7185.
15. Manling Tang, Minglu Zhou, Yuan Huang, Jiaju Zhong, Zhou Zhou* and Kui Luo*. Dual-sensitive and biodegradable core-crosslinked HPMA copolymer-doxorubicin conjugate-based nanoparticles for cancer therapy. Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8(15): 2370-2380.