孙逊 教授(博士,博士生导师)
2005.8-2007.2 美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院博士后
2007.2-2008.9 美国密西根大学药学院博士后
·美国基因和细胞治疗协会(ASGCT)官方杂志Molecular Therapy副主编
·药剂学排名第一的SCI期刊J. Controlled Release副主编
·《药学学报》英文刊(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B)编委
·美国基因和细胞治疗协会Nanoagents & Synthetic Formulations专业委员会委员
8)2011年荣获四川省科技进步一等奖 (第3完成人);获奖题目:针对多种器官组织或细胞的靶向释药系统的构建、表征及靶向特性研究
2.国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金, 81925036,生物大分子药物递释系统, 2020/01-2024/12,400万元。
3.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,81961130395,新型无痛缓释型乙肝疫苗微针的基础开发及应用, 2019/03-2022/02,49万元。
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 81872814,靶向淋巴结内树突状细胞的疫苗递送系统用于类风湿性关节炎的治疗, 2019/01-2022/12, 57万元。
5.四川省重大科技专项, 2018SZDZX0018,基于可注射天然来源辅料的微粒递药系统的构建及其应用, 2018/07-2021/09,200万元。
6.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 81673362,克服免疫抑制屏障的多功能肿瘤疫苗载体的构建及其机制研究, 2017/01-2020/12, 60万元。
7.国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金, 81422044,药剂学, 2015/01-2017/12,100万元。8.国家自然科学基金面上项目,81173011,跨越肿瘤递送屏障的多功能腺病毒载体系统的研究,2012/1-2015/12, 60万元。
11.与英国中央兰开夏大学合作项目, 11H1554, Nanomedicines for Drug DeliveryApplications of anticancer small molecule, gene and protein,140万元,2011/11-2014/12。
14.欧盟第七框架项目资助的科研项目,PIRSES-GA-2008-230791,Hyaluronan-basedinjectable material for tissue engineering,2009/09-2013/08,8.7万欧元。
Prof. Dr. Xun Sun
Key Laboratory of Drug-Targeting and Drug Delivery System, Ministry of Education
Department of Pharmaceutics
West China School of Pharmacy
Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
Tel/Fax: (+86) 28 85502307
Prof. Xun Sunis the Director & Professor of Department of Pharmaceutics, West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University. After postdoctoral training at University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan, she joined the faculty of Sichuan University in 2008 and became a professor in 2012. Prof. Sun’s current research centers on the delivery of vaccines and nucleic acid-based therapeutics, including the transdermal and mucosal delivery of these biopharmaceuticals. She has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers as the corresponding author. She filed 42 patents and contributed chapters to 10 books. She is the Associate Editor of Journal of Controlled Release, Molecular Therapy and Pharmaceutical Fronts. She also serves as the member of Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission. Prof. Sun was the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship (UK), the Shulan Medical Prize, the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award.
Selected Publications (代表性论著)
More publication can be found inhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0218-1664
1.Xiaoyu Hong, Xiaofang Zhong, Guangsheng Du, Yingying Hou, Yunting Zhang, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong, Ling Zhang*, Xun Sun*,The pore size of mesoporous silica nanoparticles regulates their antigen delivery efficiency,Science Advances.IF 12.804, 2020, 6 : eaaz4462
2.Wenfei Chen, Zhaofei Guo, Yining Zhu, Nan Qiao, Zhirong Zhang, and Xun Sun*,Combination of Bacterial-Photothermal Therapy with an Anti-PD-1 Peptide Depot for Enhanced Immunity against Advanced Cancer,Adv. Funct. Mater.IF 15.621,2019, 1906623
3.Qin Wang, Yan Li, Xiaoyan Chen, Hao Jiang, Zhirong Zhang, andXun Sun*,Optimized in vivo performance of acid-liable micelles for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by one single injection,Nano Research,IF 8.515,2019, 12(2): 421–428
4.Wenfei Chen, Ying Wang, Ming Qin, Xudong Zhang, Zhirong Zhang,Xun Sun*, Zhen Gu.Bacteria-Driven Hypoxia Targeting for Combined Biotherapy and Photothermal Therapy,ACS nano,IF 13.903,2018;5995-6005
5.Yuandong Zhang, Haibo Li, Qin Wang, Xinyan Hao, Hanmei Li, Heqiang Sun, Lu Han, Zhirong Zhang, Quanming Zou,* andXun Sun*,Rationally Designed Self‐Assembling Nanoparticles to Overcome Mucus and Epithelium Transport Barriers for Oral Vaccines against Helicobacter pylori.Advanced Functional Materials,IF 15.621,2018: 1802675
6.Mengke Qu, Qing Lin, Luyi Huang, Yao Fu, Luyao Wang, Shanshan He, Yu Fu, Shengyong Yang, Zhirong Zhang, Ling Zhang*,Xun Sun*,Dopamine-loaded blood exosomes targeted to brain for better treatment of Parkinson's disease,Journal of Controlled Release,IF 7.901, 2018; 287: 156-166(Highly cited paper)
7.Zhonghua Ji, Zhaolu Xie, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong, Xun Sun*,Engineering intravaginal vaccines to overcome mucosal and epithelial barriers,Biomaterials.IF 10.273,2017;128,8-18
8.Hao Jiang, Qin Wang, Lin Li, Qin Zeng, Hanmei Li, Tao Gong, Zhirong Zhang,Xun Sun*Turning the Old Adjuvant from Gel to Nanoparticles to Amplify CD8+ T Cell Responses.Advanced Science,IF 15.804,2018; 5, 1700426 (Front cover paper)
9.Qin Zeng, Hanmei Li, Hao Jiang, Jiao Yu, Ying Wang, Huan Ke, Tao Gong, Zhirong Zhang,Xun Sun*,Tailoring polymeric hybrid micelles with lymph node targeting ability to improve the potency of cancer vaccines,Biomaterials.IF 10.273,2017;122,105-113
10.Qin Wang, Hao Jiang, Yan Li, Wenfei Chen, Hanmei Li, Ke Peng, Zhirong Zhang,Xun Sun*,Targeting NF-kB Signaling With Polymeric Hybrid Micelles That Co-Deliver siRNA and Dexamethasone for Arthritis Therapy,Biomaterials.IF 10.273,2017;122,10-22
11.HaoJiang, Qin Wang,Xun Sun*,Lymph node targeting strategies to improve vaccination efficacy.Journal of Controlled Release,IF=7.8772017;267,47-56.
12.Lu Han, Jiao Xue, Luyao Wang, Ke Peng, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong, Xun Sun*,An injectable, low-toxicity phospholipid-based phase separation gel that induces strong and persistent immune responses in mice,Biomaterials.IF 10.273,2016;105,185-194
13.Hanmei Li, Yao Fu, Ting Zhang, Yanping Li, Xiaoyu Hong, Jiayu Jiang, Tao Gong, Zhirong Zhang, Xun Sun*,Rational Design of Polymeric Hybrid Micelles with Highly Tunable Properties to Co-Deliver MicroRNA-34a and Vismodegib for Melanoma Therapy,Adv. Funct. Mater.IF 11.382,2015, 25, 7457-7469
14.Zhaolu Xie, Zhonghua Ji, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong, Xun Sun*,Adenoviral vectors coated with cationic PEG derivatives for intravaginal vaccination against HIV-1,Biomaterials.IF 10.273, 2014; 35, 7896-7908
15.Jianfeng Han , Qin Wang , Zhirong Zhang , Tao Gong ,Xun Sun*,Cationic Bovine Serum Albumin Based Self-AssembledNanoparticles as siRNA Delivery Vector for Treating Lung Metastatic Cancer.Small,IF 10.856,2014, 10: 3524–3535
16.Yu Wan, Jianfeng Han, Gerui Fan, Zhirong Zhang, Tao Gong,Xun Sun*Enzyme-responsive liposomes modified adenoviral vectors for enhanced tumor cell transduction and reduced immunogenicity.Biomaterials,IF10.273,2013;34,3020-3030
17.Qiang Peng, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Tao Gong, Guo-Qiang Chen,*Xun Sun,*A rapid-acting, long-acting insulin formulation based on a phospholipid complex loaded PHBHHx nanoparticles, Biomaterials,IF10.273,2012; 33, 1583-1588
18.Sanjun Shi, Lu Han, Tao Gong, Zhirong Zhang,Xun Sun*,Systemic delivery of microRNA-34a for cancer stem cell therapy.Angewandte Chemie International Edition,IF 11.336,2013, 52: 3901-3905.