单位:四川大学华西药学院 生物技术药物学系
电子邮箱: ziningli@scu.edu.cn
李子宁,理学博士,四川大学华西药学院特聘副研究员, 四川大学“双百人才工程”B计划。为解决天然产物的发现与合成等方面的科学问题,李子宁博士以天然产物(药物)为中心开展了广泛交叉且深入的研究工作。研究内容涵盖天然产物紧密相关的三个领域,包括:(1)发现新颖的天然产物并解析生物合成途径; (2)鉴定新型生物酶及解析其催化机制; (3)天然产物的全合成。迄今为止,发现了 4 个结构新颖的二萜天然产物,其中包括3个反式 6/10-eunicellane 型天然产物 albireticulene、iso-albireticulene 和 albireticulone A以及罕见的萜类阻转异构体 albiretol;在此基础上全面解析了首个反式 eunicellane 萜类合酶AlbS,和鉴定了隐秘的异构化酶 AlbU 和 P450 氧化酶 AlbP1,还创造性地修复了 P450 氧化酶 AlbP2*,阐明了该家族相关天然产物的生物合成途径。此外,基于汇集式合成策略,利用 Staudinger 还原反应,在是否有水参与的条件下,控制不同的环化过程来实现不同环系骨架的选择性构建,完成了天然产物 mersicarpine、 leuconodine B、melodinine E、leuconoxine 和 leuconolam等5个单萜吲哚生物碱天然产物的全合成。
v 2024.03至今 四川大学华西药学院特聘副研究员“双百人才工程”B计划。
v 2019.08—2024.01 佛罗里达大学 博士后,合作导师: Jeffrey D. Rudolf 教授
v 2019.01—2019.07 北京大学 助理研究员,合作导师:余志祥教授
v 2016.07—2018.12 北京大学 博士后,合作导师:余志祥教授
v 2010.09—2016.06 南开大学 元素有机国家重点实验室 (SKLEOC),有机化学理学博士, 导师:梁广鑫教授
2024 胡厂生·方芳人才培养公益教育计划 (第一批)
2024 四川大学 “双百人才工程” B计划
1. 新型酶催化剂的发现与催化机制解析, 开发与应用于天然产物(药物)的合成
2. 利用合成生物学生产高附加值化合物和生物活性天然产物(药物)
1. 四川大学引进人才启动经费 2024-2027
2. 四川省自然科学基金(面上) 2025-2026
1. Cryptic isomerization in diterpene biosynthesis and the restoration of an evolutionarily defunct P450. Zining Li, Baofu Xu, Tyler Alsup, Xiuting Wei, Wenbo Ning, Daniel Icenhour, Michelle Ehrenberger, Ion Ghiviriga, Bao-Doan Giang, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 22361–22365.
2. First trans-eunicellane terpene synthase in bacteria. Zining Li, Baofu Xu, Volga Kojasoy, Teresa Ortega, Donovon A. Adpressa, Wenbo Ning, Xiuting Wei, Jamin Liu, Dean J. Tantillo, Sandra Loesgen, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*. Chem, 2023, 9, 698–708.
3. Biosynthesis, enzymology, and future of eunicellane diterpenoids. Zining Li, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2023, 50, kuad027.
4. Selective syntheses of leuconolam, leuconoxine, and mersicarpine alkaloids from a common intermediate through regiocontrolled cyclizations by Staudinger reactions. Zining Li, Qian Geng, Zhe Lv, Beau P. Pritchett, Katsuaki Baba, Yoshitaka Numajiri, Brian M. Stoltz*, Guangxin Liang*, Org. Chem. Front., 2015, 2, 236–240.
5. TfOH and HBF4 Mediated Formal Cycloisomerizations and [4+3] Cycloadditions of Allene-Alkynylbenzenes. Yu Xiang†, Zining Li†, Lu-Ning Wang†, Zhi-Xiang Yu*. J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 7633–7647. ( †Contributed equally)
6. Computation-guided scaffold exploration of 2E,6E-1,10-trans/cis-eunicellanes. Zining Li†, Sana Jindani†, Volga Kojasoy, Teresa Ortega, Erin M Marshall, Khalil A Abboud, Sandra Loesgen, Dean J Tantillo*, Jeffrey D Rudolf*. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 1320–1326. ( †Contributed equally)
7. Quick access to the core of mersicarpine through an SNAr strategy. Zining Li, Guangxin Liang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 242–244.
8. Exploring and expanding the natural chemical space of bacterial diterpenes. Xiuting Wei†, Wenbo Ning†, Caitlin A. McCadden, Tyler A. Alsup, Zining Li, Diana P. Łomow[1]ska-Keehner, Jordan Nafie, Tracy Qu, Melvin Osei Opoku, Glen R. Gillia, Baofu Xu, Daniel G. Icenhour, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*. Nat Commun 2025, accepted.
9. Cytochrome P450-Mediated Cyclization in Eunicellane-Derived Diterpenoid Biosynthesis. Zengyuan Wang, Qian Yang*, Jingyi He, Haixin Li, Xingming Pan, Zining Li, Hui-Min Xu, Jeffrey D. Rudolf, Dean J. Tantillo, Liao-Bin Dong*. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2023, e202312490.
10. Bacterial Diterpene Synthases Prenylate Small Molecules. Baofu Xu, Zining Li, Tyler A. Alsup, Michelle A. Ehrenberger, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*. ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 5906–5915.
11. Bacterial terpenome. Jeffrey D. Rudolf*, Tyler A. Alsup, Baofu Xu and Zining Li . Nat. Prod. Rep., 2021, 38, 905-980.
12. Rapid Construction of the Common [5–5–6] Tricyclic Ring Skeleton in Polycyclic Cembranoids and Norcembranoids via Intramolecular 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition. Meng Deng, Xiao Zhang, Zining Li, Hongbin Chen, Shaoli Zang, Guangxin Liang*. Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 1493–1496.
13. Early-stage biosynthesis of phenalinolactone diterpenoids involves sequential prenylation, epoxidation, and cyclization. Tyler A. Alsup, Zining Li, Caitlin A. McCadden, Annika Jagels, Diana P. Łomowska-Keehner, Erin M. Marshall, Liao-Bin Dong, Sandra Loesgen, Jeffrey D. Rudolf*, RSC Chemical Biology, 2024 5, 1010-1016.
14. Progress in Total Syntheses of Leuconolam-Leuconoxine-Mersicarpine Alkaloids. Qian Geng, Zining Li, Zhe Lv, Guangxin, Liang*, Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 36, 1447–1464.
15. Total synthesis of mersicarpine through a cationic cyclization approach. Zhe Lv, Zining Li and Guangxin Liang*, Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 1653–1655.