
高会乐 教授(博士生导师)

来源: 发布时间:2016年02月07日 点击数:




E-mail: gaohuile@scu.edu.cn



2004.09-2008.07 复旦大学药学院,获理学学士学位

2008.09-2013.06 复旦大学药学院,获药剂学博士学位

2013.07-2014.06 四川大学华西药学院讲师

2014.07-2017.09 四川大学华西药学院副教授、硕导(破格)

2015.10-2016.10 斯坦福大学医学院访问学者

2016.12至今 四川大学华西药学院药剂系党支部书记

2017.09至今 四川大学华西药学院教授、博导(破格)






7. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,肿瘤微环境响应性纳米载体用于脑肿瘤及脑转移瘤的诊疗一体化研究,81961138009,资助金额100万元,实施年限:2020.1.1-2022.12.31,主持。

6. 四川省科技厅项目,“以提高细胞内纳米载体转运为基础的脑肿瘤靶向递药系统构建和评价(省重)”,19YYJC2250,资助金额10万元,实施年限:2019.1.1-2020.12.31,主持。

5. 四川省人力资源和社会保障厅留学归国人员资助重点项目,“新型脑靶向递药系统的开发”,资助金额10万元,实施年限:2019.1.1-2020.12.31,主持。


3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于生物点击化学的肿瘤微环境响应性纳米载体的肿瘤靶向递药研究”,31571016,实施年限:2016.01.01-2019.12.31主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于粒径智能调节、具有肿瘤微环境响应的脑转移瘤靶向递药系统研究”,81402866,实施年限:2015.01.01-2017.12.31主持

1. 四川大学优秀青年基金项目,“基于生物点击化学的肿瘤微环境响应性纳米载体的肿瘤靶向递药研究”,2015SCU04A14,实施年限:2015.1-2017.12主持



25. 20199月起担任国家药品监督管理局药品包装材料质量控制重点实验室学术委员会委员。

24. 201906月起担任《International Journal of Pharmaceutics》编委(IF=4.213

23. 201904月起担任中国生物医学工程学会纳米医学与工程分会青年委员

22. 201809月主编专著《Brain Targeted Drug delivery system》,Elsevier出版社

21. 201809月担任《Current Drug Metabolism》(IF2.847)客座编辑,主编2018年第9

20. 201809月起担任中国药学会药剂学专业委员会青年学术委员会委员

19. 201808月起担任中国抗癌协会纳米肿瘤学专业委员会第一届青年委员会委员

18. 201805月入选四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选

17. 201805月获得西部药学之星

16. 201805月获四川大学好未来优秀学者奖二等奖

15. 201804月起担任Chinese Chemical Letters杂志青年编委

14. 201802月起担任《Pharmaceutics》(IF3.75)编委

13 201801月入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”

12. 201712月获得四川大学“唐立新优秀学者奖”三等奖

11. 201706月获得四川大学青年科技人才奖

10. 201705月起担任《CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets》编委(IF=2.188

9. 201704月起担任《Current Drug Metabolism》编委(IF=2.847

8. 201701月作为编委参与撰写普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材《生物药剂学与药物动力学》,科学出版社

7. 201611月起担任《Journal of Microencapsulation》(IF=1.631)编委

6. 201609月主编专著《Neurotoxicity of Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine》,Elsevier出版社

5. 201608月担任《Current Drug Metabolism》(IF2.847)客座编辑,主编2016年第8

4. 201511月至今担任《药学学报》、《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》青年编委

3. 201508月至今担任《中国医院药学杂志》通讯编委

2. 201510月获中国药学会中恒青年药剂学奖

1. 201504月博士论文获上海市优秀博士论文




67. Cai Lulu#, Yang Chuanyao#, Jia Wenfeng, Liu Yuwei, Xie Rou, Lei Ting, Yang Zhihang, He Xueqin, Tong Rongsheng*, Gao Huile*. Endo/lysosome-escapable Delivery Depot for Improving BBB Transcytosis and Neuron targeted therapy of Alzheimer's disease. Adv Funct Mater, 2020, 30, 1909999. (IF=16.836)

66. Hu Chuan, Lei Ting, Wang Yazhen, Cao Jun, Yang Xiaotong, Qin Lin, Liu Rui, Zhou Yang, Tong Fan, Umeshappa Channakeshava Sokke*, Gao Huile*. Phagocyte-membrane-coated and laser-responsive nanoparticles control primary and metastatic cancer by inducing anti-tumor immunity. Biomaterials, 2020, 255, 120159. (IF=10.317)

65. Liu Rui#, An Yang#, Jia Wenfeng, Wang Yushan, Wu Yue, Zhen Yonghuan, Cao Jun*, Gao Huile*. Macrophage-mimic shape changeable nanomedicine retained in tumor for multimodal therapy of breast cancer. J Control Release, 2020, 321, 589-601. (IF= 7.727)

64.Yang Xiaotong#, Chen Xianchun#, Lei Ting, Qin Lin, Zhou Yang, Hu Chuan, Liu Qingfeng*, Gao Huile*. The construction of in vitro nasal cavity-mimic M-cell model, design of M cell-targeting nanoparticles and evaluation of mucosal vaccination by nasal administration. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2020, 10(6):1094-1105. (IF=7.097)



63. Ruan Shaobo#, Xie Rou#, Qin Lin, Yu Meinan, Xiao Wei, Hu Chuan, Yu Wenqi, Qian Zhiyong, Ouyang Liang, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Aggregable nanoparticles-enabled chemotherapy and autophagy inhibition combined with anti-PD-L1 antibody for improved glioma treatment. Nano Lett, 2019, 19(11), 8318-8332. (IF= 11.238)

62. Yang Xiaotong, Hu Chuan, Tong Fan, Liu Rui, Zhou Yang, Qin Lin, Ouyang Liang, Gao Huile*. Tumor microenvironment-responsive dual drug dimer-loaded PEGylated bilirubin nanoparticles for improved drug delivery and enhanced immune-chemotherapy of breast cancer. Adv Funct Mater, 2019, 29, 1901896. (IF=16.836)

61. Liu Rui, Yu Meinan, Yang Xiaotong, Umeshappa S. Channakeshava, Hu Chuan, Yu Wenqi, Qin Lin, Huang Yuan, Gao Huile*. Linear chimeric triblock molecules self-assembled micelles with controllably transformable property to enhance tumor retention for chemo- photodynamic therapy of breast cancer. Adv Funct Mater, 2019, 29, 1808462. (IF=16.836)

60. Yu Wenqi, He Xueqin, Yang Zhihang, Yang Xiaotong, Xiao Wei, Liu Rui, Xie Rou, Qin Lin, Gao Huile*. Sequentially responsive biomimetic nanoparticles with optimal size in combination with checkpoint blockade for cascade synergetic treatment of breast cancer and lung metastasis. Biomaterials, 2019, 217, 119309. (IF=10.371)

59. Yu Meinan, Su Dunyan, Yang Yuanyuan, Qin Lin, Hu Chuan, Liu Rui, Zhou Yang, Yang Chuanyao, Yang Xiaotong, Wang Guanlin*, Gao Huile*. D-T7 peptide-modified PEGylated bilirubin nanoparticles loaded with cediranib and paclitaxel for antiangiogenesis and chemotherapy of glioma. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2019, 11(1):176-186. (IF=8.097)

58. Liu Rui, Hu Chuan, Yang Yuanyuan, Zhang Jingqing, Gao Huile*. Theranostic nanoparticles with tumor-specific enzyme-triggered size reduction and drug release to perform photothermal therapy for breast cancer treatment. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2019, 9(2):410-420. (IF=6.014)



57. Ruan Shaobo, Qin Lin, Xiao Wei, Hu Chuan, Zhou Yang, Wang Ranran, Sun Xing, Yu Wenqi, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Acid-responsive transferrin dissociation and GLUT mediated exocytosis for increased blood-brain barrier transcytosis and programmed glioma targeting delivery. Adv Funct Mater, 2018, 28(30): 1802227. (IF=13.325)

56. Liu Rui#, Xiao Wei#, Hu Chuan, Xie Rou, Gao Huile*. Theranostic size-reducible and no donor conjugated gold nanocluster fabricated hyaluronic acid nanoparticle with optimal size for combinational treatment of breast cancer and lung metastasis. J Control Release, 2018, 278, 127-139. (IF=7.877)

55. Hu Chuan, Cun Xingli, Ruan Shaobo, Liu Rui, Xiao Wei, Yang Xiaotong, Yang Yuanyuan, Yang Chuanyao, Gao Huile*. Enzyme-triggered size shrink and laser-enhanced NO release nanoparticles for deep tumor penetration and combination therapy. Biomaterials, 2018, 168: 64-75. (IF=8.806)

54. Hu Chuan, Yang Xiaotong, Liu Rui, Ruan Shaobo, Zhou Yang, Xiao Wei, Yu Wenqi, Yang Chuanyao, Gao Huile*. Coadministration of iRGD with multistage responsive nanoparticles enhanced tumor targeting and penetration abilities for breast cancer therapy. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2018, 10(26): 22571-22579. (IF=8.097)

53. Zhang Huajin, Wu Tianmu, Yu Wenqi, Ruan Shaobo, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Ligand size and conformation affect the behavior of nanoparticles coated with in vitro and in vivo protein corona. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2018, 10(10): 9094-9103. (IF=8.097)

52. Xiao Wei#, Xiong Jingyuan#, Zhang Shuang, Xiong Yang, Zhang Huajin, Gao Huile*. Influence of ligands property and particle size of gold nanoparticles on the protein adsorption and corresponding targeting ability. Int J Pharm, 2018, 538(1-2): 105-111. (IF=3.994)



51. Ruan Shaobo, Xiao Wei, Hu Chuan, Zhang Huajin, Rao Jingdong, Wang Sihan, Wang Xiao, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Ligand mediated and enzyme-directed precise targeting and retention for enhanced treatment of glioblastoma. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2017, 9(24): 20348–20360. (IF=7.504)

50. Xiao Wei, Ruan Shaobo, Yu Wenqi, Wang Ranran, Hu Chuan, Liu Rui, Gao Huile*. Normalizing tumor vessels to increase the enzyme-induced retention and targeting of gold nanoparticle for breast cancer imaging and treatment. Mol Pharm, 2017. (IF=4.440)

49. Xiao Wei, Li Yuan, Hu Chuan, Huang Yuan, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Melanin-originated carbonaceous dots for triple negative breast cancer diagnosis by fluorescence and photoacoustic dual-mode imaging. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2017, 497: 226-232. (IF=4.233)



48. Ruan Shaobo, Hu Chuan, Tang Xian, Cun Xingli, Xiao Wei, Shi Kairong, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Increased gold nanoparticle retention in brain tumors by in situ enzyme-induced aggregation. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(11): 10086-10098. (IF=13.942)X-MOL网站报道:http://www.x-mol.com/news/4270

47. Cun Xingli, Ruan Shaobo, Chen Jiantao, Zhang Li, Li Jianping, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. A dual strategy to improve the penetration and treatment of breast cancer by combining shrinking nanoparticles with collagen depletion by losartan. Acta Biomater, 2016, 31C: 186-196. (IF=6.319)

46. Hu Guanlian#, Cun Xingli#, Ruan Shaobo, Shi Kairong, Wang Yang, Kuang Qifang, Hu Chuan, Xiao Wei, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Utilizing G2/M retention effect to enhance tumor accumulation of active targeting nanoparticles. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:27669. (IF=4.259)

45. Hu Chuan#, Liu Yongmei#, Chen Jiantao, He Qin, Gao Huile*. A simple one-step synthesis of melanin-originated red shift emissive carbonaceous dots for bioimaging. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2016, 480: 85-90. (IF=4.233)



44. Zheng Min, Ruan Shaobo, Liu Shi, Sun Tingting, Qu Dan, Zhao Haifeng, Xie Zhigang*, Gao Huile*, Jing Xiabin, Sun Zaicheng*. Self-targeting fluorescent carbon dots for diagnosis of brain cancer cells. ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (11): 11455–11461. (IF=13.334) X-MOL网站报道:http://www.x-mol.com/news/1489

43. Ruan Shaobo, Cao Xi, Cun Xingli, Hu Guanlian, Zhou Yi, Zhang Yanling, Lu Libao, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Matrix metalloproteinase-sensitive size-shrinkable nanoparticles for deep tumor penetration and pH triggered doxorubicin release. Biomaterials, 2015, 60: 100-110. (IF=8.387)

42. Ruan Shaobo, Yuan Mingqing, Zhang Li, Hu Guanlian, Chen Jiantao, Cun Xingli, Zhang Qianyu, Yang Yuting, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Tumor microenvironment sensitive doxorubicin delivery and release to glioma using angiopep-2 decorated gold nanoparticles. Biomaterials, 2015, 37:425-435. (IF=8.387)

41. Ruan Shaobo, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Matrix metalloproteinase triggered size-shrinkable gelatin-gold fabricated nanoparticles for tumor microenvironment sensitive penetration and diagnosis of glioma. Nanoscale, 2015, 7(21): 9487-9496. (IF=7.76)

40. Cun Xingli, Chen Jiantao, Ruan Shaobo, Zhang Li, Wan Jingyu, He Qin, Gao Huile*. A novel strategy through combining iRGD peptide with tumor microenvironment responsive and multistage nanoparticles for deep tumor penetration. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2015, 7, 2745827466. (IF=7.145)

39. Hu Guanlian, Chun Xinli, Wang Yang, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Peptide mediated active targeting and intelligent particle size reduction-mediated enhanced penetrating of fabricated nanoparticles for triple-negative breast cancer treatment. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(38): 41258-41274. (IF=5.008)

38. Ruan Shaobo, Chen Jiantao, Cun Xingli, Long Yang, Tang Jie, Qian Jun, Shen Shun, Jiang Xinguo, Zhu Jianhua, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Noninvasive in vivo diagnosis of brain gliomas using RGD-decorated fluorescent carbonaceous nanospheres. J Biomed Nanotech, 2015, 11(12): 2148-2157. (IF=3.929)

37. Gao Huile#, Cao Shijie#, Yang Zhi, Zhang Shuang, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo. Preparation, characterization and anti-glioma effects of docetaxel-loaded, lipoprotein-like nanoparticles. J Biomed Nanotech, 2015, 11(12):2137-2147. (IF=3.929)

36. Hu Guanlian, Wang Yang, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Multistage drug delivery system based on microenvironment-responsive dendrimer-gelatin nanoparticles for deep tumor penetration. RSC Adv, 2015, 5: 85933-85937. (IF=3.289)

35. Ruan Shaobo, Zhang Li, Chen Jiantao, Cao Tingwei, Yang Yuting, Liu Yayuan, He Qin, Gao Fabao*, Gao Huile*. Targeting delivery and deep penetration using multistage nanoparticles for triple-negative breast cancer. RSC Adv, 2015, 5:64303 - 64317. (IF=3.289)

34. Chen Jiantao, Cun Xingli, Ruan Shaobo, Wang Yang, Zhang Yanling, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Glioma cell targeting doxorubicin delivery and redox-responsive release using angiopep-2 decorated carbonaceous nanodots. RSC Adv, 2015, 5: 57045 - 57049. (IF=3.289)

33. Chen Jiantao, Sun Huaqin, Ruan Shaobo, Wang Yang, Shen Shun, Xu Wenming, He Qin, Gao Huile*. In vitro and in vivo toxicology of bare and PEGylated fluorescent carbonaceous nanodots in mice and zebrafish: the potential relation with autophagy. RSC Adv, 2015, 5: 38547-38557. (IF=3.289)

32. Ruan Shaobo#, Qian Jun#, Shen Shun, Chen Jiantao, Cun Xingli, Zhu Jianhua, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin*, Gao Huile*. Non-invasive imaging of breast cancer using RGDyK functionalized fluorescent carbonaceous nanospheres. RSC Adv, 2015, 5: 25428-25436. (IF=3.289)

31. Hu Guanlian#, Zhang Huiqing#, Zhang Li, Ruan Shaobo, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Integrin-mediated active tumor targeting and tumor microenvironment response dendrimer-gelatin nanoparticles for drug delivery and tumor treatment. Int J Pharm, 2015, 496: 1057-1068. (IF=3.994)

30. Gao Huile*, Zhang Qianyu, Yang Yuting, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin*. Tumor homing cell penetrating peptide decorated nanoparticles used for enhanced tumor targeting delivery and therapy. Int J Pharm, 2015, 478: 240-250. (IF=3.994)

29. Chen Jiantao#, Sun Huaqin#, Wang Weiliang, Xu Wenming, He Qin, Shen Shun, Qian Jun*, Gao Huile*. Polyethylene glycol modification reduces the cardiac toxicity of carbonaceous dots in mice and zebrafish model. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2015, 36(11): 1349-1355. (IF=3.166)



28. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Cao Shijie, Xiong Yang, Zhang Shuang, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo*. Tumor cells and neovasculature dual targeting delivery for glioblastoma treatment. Biomaterials, 2014, 35(7): 2374-2382. (IF=8.557)

27. Ruan Shaobo#, Qian Jun#, Shen Shun, Zhu Jianhua, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin, Gao Huile*. A simple one-step method to prepare fluorescent carbon dots and their potential application in non-invasive glioma imaging. Nanoscale, 2014, 6(17): 10040-10047. (IF=7.394)

26. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Zhang Shuang, Pang Zhiqing, Liu Qingfeng, Jiang Xinguo*. Study of the pharmacology mechanisms of dual targeting drug delivery system with tumor microenvironment assays. Acta Biomateria, 2014, 10(2): 858-867. (IF=6.025)

25. Gao Huile, Hu Guanlian, Zhang Qianyu, Zhang Shuang, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin*. Pretreatment with chemotherapeutics for enhanced nanoparticles accumulation in tumor: the potential role of G2 cycle retention effect. Sci Rep, 2014,4: 4492. (IF=5.578)

24. Ruan Shaobo#, Qian Jun#, Shen Shun, Chen Jiantao, Zhu Jianhua, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin*, Yang Wuli*, Gao Huile*. Near-infrared fluorescent carbonaceous nanodots for glioma imaging after angiopep-2 decoration. Bioconjug Chem, 2014, 25: 2252-2259. (IF=4.513)

23. Ruan Shaobo, Wan Jingyu, Fu Yao, Han Ke, Li Xiang, Chen Jiantao, Zhang Qianyu, Shen Shun, He Qin, Gao Huile*. PEGylated fluorescent carbon nanoparticles for noninvasive heart imaging. Bioconjug Chem, 2014,25(6): 1061-1068. (IF=4.513)

22. Gao Huile, Zhang Shuang, Cao Shijie, Yang Zhi, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo*. Angiopep-2 and activatable cell penetrating peptide dual-functionalized nanoparticles for systemic glioma targeted delivery. Mol Pharm, 2014, 11(8): 2755-2763. (IF=4.384)

21. Gao Huile, Xiong Yang, Zhang Shuang, Yang Zhi, Cao Shijie, Jiang Xinguo*. RGD and interleukin-13 peptide functionalized nanoparticles for enhanced glioblastoma cells and neovasculature dual targeting delivery and elevated tumor penetration. Mol Pharm, 2014,11(3): 1042-1052. (IF=4.384)

20. Mei Ling, Zhang Qianyu, Yang Yuting, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Angiopep-2 and activatable cell penetrating peptide dual modified nanoparticles for enhanced tumor targeting and penetrating. Int J Pharm, 2014, 474: 95-102. (IF=3.65)

19. Gao Huile, Zhang Shuang, Yang Zhi, Cao Shijie, Jiang Xinguo, Pang Zhiqing*. In vitro and in vivo intracellular distribution and anti-glioblastoma effects of docetaxel-loaded nanoparticles functioned with IL-13 peptide. Int J Pharm, 2014, 466(1-2): 8-17.(IF=3.65)

18. Gao H, Wang Y, Chen C, Chen J, Wei Y, Cao S, Jiang X*. Incorporation of lapatinib into core-shell nanoparticles improves both the solubility and anti-glioma effects of the drug. Int J Pharm, 2014; 461(1-2): 478– 488. (IF=3.65)

17. Qian Jun#, Ruan Shaobo#, Cao Xi, Cun Xingli, Chen Jiantao, Shen Shun, Jiang Xinguo, He Qin, Zhu Jianhua*, Gao Huile*. Fluorescent carbonaceous nanospheres as biological probe for noninvasive brain imaging. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2014, 436: 227-233. (IF=3.368)

16. Qian Jun#, Chen Jiantao#, Ruan Shaobo, Shen Shun, He Qin, Jiang Xinguo, Zhu Jianhua*, Gao Huile*. Preparation and biological evaluation of photoluminescent carbonaceous nanospheres. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2014, 429: 77-82. (IF=3.368)

15. Ruan Shaobo, Zhu Biyue, Zhang Huajin, Chen Jiantao, Shen Shun, Qian Jun, He Qin, Gao Huile*. A simple one-step method for preparation of fluorescent carbon nanospheres and the potential application in cell organelles imaging. J Colloid Interf Sci, 2014,422: 25-29. (IF=3.368)

14. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Zhang Shuang, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo*. Internalization and subcellular fate of aptamer and peptide dual-functioned nanoparticles. J Drug Target, 2014, 22(5): 450-459. (IF=2.741)

13. Zhang Li, Zhang Shuang, Ruan Shaobo, Zhang Qianyu, He Qin, Gao Huile*. Lapatinib incorporated lipoprotein-like nanoparticles: preparation and breast cancer targeting mechanism. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2014,35(6): 846-852.(IF=2.912)


2013 and before

12. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Zhang Shuang, Cao Shijie, Pang Zhiqing, Yang Xiao, Jiang Xinguo*. Glioma-homing peptide with a cell-penetrating effect for targeting delivery with enhanced glioma localization, penetration and suppression of glioma growth. J Control Release, 2013, 172(3):921-928. (IF=7.261)

11. Gao Huile, Cao Shijie, Chen Chen, Cao Shilei, Yang Zhi, Xi Zhangjie, Pan Shuaiqi, Zhang Qizhi, Jiang Xinguo*. Incorporation of lapatinib into lipoprotein-like nanoparticles with enhanced water solubility and anti-breast cancer effect. Nanomedicine (Lond), 2013, 8(9): 1429-1442. (IF=5.824)

10. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Zhang Shuang, Cao Shijie, Pang Zhiqing*, Jiang Xinguo*. Ligand modified nanoparticles increases cell uptake, alters endocytosis and elevates glioma distribution and internalization. Sci Rep, 2013, 3: 2534. (IF=5.078)

9. Gao Huile#, Hu Yue#, Xiong Yang, Zhang Shuang, Yang Jiarong, Yu Lian*, Jiang Xinguo*. Glioma targeting and anti-glioma effect of interleukin 13 peptide and RGD peptide dual functionalized nanoparticles. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2013, 14: 1118-1126.(IF=2.511)

8. Gao Huile, Chen Chen, Xi Zhangjie, Chen Jun, Zhang Qizhi, Cao Shlei, Jiang Xinguo*. In Vivo Behavior and Safety of Lapatinib-Incorporated Lipid Nanoparticles. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2013, 14: 1062-1071.(IF=2.511)

7. Gao Huile#, Qian Jun#, Cao Shijie, Yang Zhi, Pang Zhiqing, Pan Shuaiqi, Fan Li, Xi Zhangjie, Jiang Xinguo, Zhang Qizhi*. Precise glioma targeting of and penetration by aptamer and peptide dual-functioned nanoparticles. Biomaterials, 2012, 33(20):5115-5123.(IF=7.604)

6. Gao Huile#, Qian Jun#, Yang Zhi, Pang Zhiqing, Xi Zhangjie, Cao Shijie, Wang Yuchen, Pan Shuaiqi, Zhang Shuang, Wang Wei, Jiang Xinguo, Zhang Qizhi*. Whole-cell SELEX aptamer-functionalised poly(ethyleneglycol)-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) nanoparticles for enhanced targeted glioblastoma therapy. Biomaterials, 2012, 33(26): 6264-6272. (IF=7.604)

5. Gao Huile, Yang Zhi, Cao Shijie, Xi Zhangjie, Zhang Shuang, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo*. Behavior and anti-glioma effect of lapatinib-incorporated lipoprotein-like nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 2012,23(43):435101. (IF=3.842)

4. Gao Huile, Pang Zhiqing, Pan Shuaiqi, Cao Shijie, Yang Zhi, Chen Chen, Jiang Xinguo*. Anti glioma effect and safety of docetaxel-loaded nanoemulsion. Arch Pharm Res, 2012,35(2):333-341. (IF=1.538)

3. Gao Huile, Pan Shuaiqi, Yang Zhi, Cao Shijie, Chen Chen, Jiang Xinguo, Pang Zhiqing*, Hu Yu*. A cascade targeting strategy for brain neuroglial cells employing nanoparticles modified with angiopep-2 peptide and EGFP-EGF1 protein. Biomaterials, 2011, 32(33): 8669-8675. (IF=7.404)

2. Gao Huile, Pang Zhiqing, Lu Wei, Pan Shuaiqi, Jiang Xinguo*. Encapsulation of cationic peptides into polymersomes through in situ gelatinization. J Microencapsul, 2011, 28(6): 465-471. (IF=1.553)

1. Gao Huile, Pang Zhiqing, Fan Li, Hu Kaili, Wu Bingxian, Jiang Xinguo*. Effect of lactoferrin- and transferrin-conjugated polymersomes in brain targeting: in vitro and in vivo evaluations. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2010,31(2): 237-243. (IF=1.953)



28. Zhang Wei, Wang Fei, Hu Chuan, Zhou Yang, Gao Huile*, Hu Jiang*. The progress and perspective of nanoparticle-enabled tumor metastasis treatment. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2020, 10(11): in press. (IF=7.091)

27. Zhou Yang, Yu Wenqi, Cao Jun*, Gao Huile*. Harnessing carbon monoxide-releasing platforms for cancer therapy. Biomaterials, 2020, 255C:120193. (IF=10.371)

26. Zhou Yang, Chen Xianchun, Cao Jun*, Gao Huile*. Overcoming the biologic barriers in tumor microenvironment for improving drug delivery and efficacy. J Mater Chem B, 2020. (IF=5.344)

25. Yu Wenqi, Shevtsov Maxim, Chen Xianchun*, Gao Huile*. Advances in aggregatable nanoparticles for tumor-targeted drug delivery. Chin Chem Lett, 2020, 31(6):1366-1374. (IF=4.632)

25. Yin Yanlong, Hu Ben, Yuan Xiao, Cai Li, Gao Huile*, Yang Qian*. Nanogel: a versatile nano-delivery system for biomedical applications. Pharmaceutics, 2020, 12(3): 290. (IF=4.421)

24. Yu Wenqi#, Liu Rui#, Zhou Yang, Gao Huile*. Size-tunable strategies for a tumor targeted drug delivery system. ACS Cent Sci, 2020, 6:100-116. (IF=12.685)

24. 胡川,高会乐。肿瘤微环境响应性与调节性递药系统研究进展。药学学报(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2020, online.

23. Yin Yanlong#, Yuan Xiao#, Gao Huile*, Yang Qian*. Nanoformulations of small molecule protein tyrosine kinases inhibitors potentiate targeted cancer therapy. Int J Pharm, 2020, 573: 118785. (IF=4.213)

22. Li Chong#, Wang Jiancheng#,*, Wang Yiguang#, Gao Huile#, Wei Gang#, Huang Yongzhuo#, Yu Haijun#, Gan Yong#, Wang Yongjun#, Mei Lin#, Chen Huabing#, Hu Haiyan#, Zhang Zhiping#, Jin Yiguang#. Recent progress in drug delivery. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2019, 9(6): 1145-1162. (IF=7.091)

21. Luo Zhijian, Dai Yan, Gao Huile*. Development and application of hyaluronic acid in tumor targeting drug delivery. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2019, 9(6): 1099-1112. (IF=7.091)

20. Qin Lin, Gao Huile*. The application of nitric oxide delivery in nanoparticle-based tumor targeting drug delivery and treatment. Asian J Pharm Sci, 2019, 14(4): 380-390. (IF=3.968)

19. Gao Huile, GaoXiaoling, Edited. Brain Targeted Drug delivery system. Academic Press, 2018.9.28, Singapore. ISBN978-0-12-814001-7

18. Xiao Wei, Gao Huile*. The impact of protein corona on the behavior and targeting capability of nanoparticle-based delivery system. Int J Pharm, 2018, 552(1-2): 328-339. (IF=3.862)

17. Gao Huile*. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Novel Nanoparticles for Tumor Targeting Drug Delivery). Curr Drug Metab, 2018, 19(9): 722. (IF=2.659)

16. Shevtsov Maxim#*, Zhou Yang#, Khachatryan William, Multhoff Gabriele, Gao Huile*. Recent advances in gold nanoformulations for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Curr Drug Metab, 2018, 19(9): 768-780. (IF=2.659)

15. Xiong Jingyuan, Gao Huile*. Matrix metalloproteases responsive nanomaterials for tumor targeting diagnosis and treatment. J Microencapsul, 2017, 34(5): 440-453. (IF=1.543)

14. Yang Shu, Gao Huile*. Nanoparticles for modulating tumor microenvironment to improve drug delivery and tumor therapy. Pharmacol Res, 2017, 126: 97-108. (IF=4.480)

13. 高会乐, 蒋新国*. 新型药物递释系统的研究进展. 药学学报(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2017, 52(2): 181-188.

12. Gao Huile*. Perspectives on dual targeting delivery systems for brain tumors. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2017, 12(1): 6-16. (IF=3.896) ESI高被引论文

11. Gao Huile*. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Nanoparticles for Brain and Tumor Targeting Delivery). Curr Drug Metab, 2016, 17(8): 730. (IF=2.659)

10. Gao Huile*. Shaping tumor microenvironment for improving nanoparticles delivery. Curr Drug Metab, 2016, 17(8): 731-736. (IF=2.659)

9. Gao Huile*. Progress and perspectives on targeting nanoparticles for brain drug delivery. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2016, 6(4): 268-286.

8. Jiang Xinguo, Gao Huile, Edited. Neurotoxicity of Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine. Elsevier Inc, 2016.9.28, Singapore.

7. 高会乐, 蒋新国*.肿瘤靶向递药新策略的研究进展. 药学学报(Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2016, 51(2): 272-280.

6. Gao Huile. Nanoparticles for brain targeting drug delivery. In Hari Singh Nalwa, Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, 2016, Valencia, chapter 9, 1-21.

5. Gao Huile, Jiang Xinguo. Brain delivery using nanotechnology. In Di Li and Edward H. Kerns. Blood-Brain Barrier in Drug Discovery: Optimizing Brain Exposure of CNS Drugs and Minimizing Brain Side Effects, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015, New York, chapter 24, 521-534.

4. Gao Huile, Zhang Qianyu, Yu Zhiqiang, He Qin*. Cell-penetrating peptide-based intelligent liposomal systems for enhanced drug delivery. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2014, 15(3):210-219. (IF=2.511)

3. Gao Huile, He Qin*. The interaction of nanoparticles with plasma proteins and the consequent influence on nanoparticles behavior. Expert Opin Drug Deliv, 2014,11(3): 409-420. (IF=4.84)

2. Gao Huile, Jiang Xinguo*. Progress on the diagnosis and evaluation of brain tumors. Cancer Imaging, 2013, 13(4): 466-481. (IF=1.592)

1. Gao Huile, Pang Zhiqing, Jiang Xinguo*. Targeted delivery of nano-therapeutics for major disorders of the central nervous system. Pharm Res, 2013, 30: 2485-2498. (IF=3.952)
